Wicca is the religion of the witch. Where, there is just not a god, but a
god and goddess, and everything is based around nature.Witchcraft has been around a very long time, in
fact Witchcraft is the most ancient religion known to the human race. Its origins are incredibly archaic;
members of the Craft can pick out portions of recognizable rites, as performed today, on cave wall-paintings
twenty-five millennia old, and it is said that a few- a very few- covens have written records that go
back nearly that distance in time. Traces and portions of magical tools and Witches' amulets have been
found in deposits a hundred thousand years old. There are legends within the craft that our
very distant forebears worshipped the Goddess and the Horned God in jewelled and spired cities whose
names have been forgotten for tens of thousands of years, and rich lands of mighty green mountains and
golden plains... all swallowed beneath the seas long ages ago. Yet in these cities and these forests
men and women loved and worked, danced, laughed, and cried; some of their blood still flows in our veins.
The Craft of the Wise Ones is probably as old as humankind itself.
